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“A Tale of Changing Emotions”

I kept overthinking and reminiscing,

I could sense the bond was missing.

I know that neither of us was at fault;

It was just the VIBES that were LOST.

There was a time when you cared for me,

You tried to understand me, I could see.

Even I wanted to delve deeper into your inner self

but I never got a chance;

as somewhere along the line the connection got ruined.

I had felt a passion like never before,

The rush of tears speak of the intensity furthermore.

The feeling that I had finally found eternal bliss,

Faded away suddenly and I could feel my entirety go amiss.

It is not my pride that refuses to make amends,

Nor is it your ego that is to be blamed;

For you the situations and emotions changed,

brutal honesty was all that was required as I am done with the chases;

Too bruised by a lifetime of experiences to try yet again.

I will always be grateful to you for rescuing me,

it was the first time someone wanted to save me.

You mirrored my soul,

I could sense its depth resonating in you.

Someday the vibes might return,

till then time will heal our minds and souls;

And even if they don’t I will always be thankful to you.



All Rights Reserved. Vanya Rajwar.

The Soul’s UrgeĀ©|2018