I will Marry when I am Ready

“I will marry only when I am ready,” she said.

Its time for you to marry, they say,

You are reaching your late 20s, they say,

It’s the right time to marry, they say,

We have found eligible men for you, they say,

You expect me to marry a random stranger? I ask disbelievingly,

I am not ready, I am not prepared,

Unless it’s someone I am deeply in love with,

How can you even think of such a thing?


Marry, they say,

Your value will decrease with time, they say,

You won’t have as many choices in your 30s, they say,

Am I a commodity to you that my value will dilapidate with age? I ask,

How hard is it to digest a woman wanting to focus on her career? I ask,

What makes you decide it’s the right time for me to marry? I ask.


Do you have someone in your heart? they say,

If you do tell us, we can talk to him, they say,

What if he is focusing on his career right now? I ask,

What if I want to wait for us both to succeed in life? I ask,

What if I can’t have another in my heart? I ask,

Will you let me be if I tell you that? I ask.


You ought to marry early, they say,

Timely kids and Timely adjustments are the way to go, they say,

Will you guarantee me an understanding of a lifetime? I ask,

With your arranged matches will you be able to give me the love I seek? I ask,

I am trying to pave my way in life,

I want to mature slightly more,

I am not prepared and I am not ready,

Who gives society the right to dictate that I should marry? I ask.


Some marry at twenty, some marry at thirty,

Some marry at forty and some marry after fifty,

Who decides on the right age to marry?

Why does society comment on the right age to marry?

I want to make a mark for myself before I marry,

I am not prepared, I am not ready to take on the responsibility,

I can’t love another for a long time that’s coming and I prefer waiting,

Why can’t people wait? What is the hurry?

Oh! You all really needn’t worry,

I will surely marry but only when I am ready.



All Rights Reserved. Vanya Rajwar (VRa).

The Soul’s UrgeĀ©|2021


P.S.: I have been away for very long but everything had taken a backseat during the pandemic. As I am coming out of my glum state of mind and inspiration has started striking again, I will be more regular!! Thankyou for supporting me and still reading my work!